Ampotech AmpoHub

A compact, wireless power meter and IoT gateway designed to streamline energy monitoring and optimize management systems.

Product overview

The AmpoHub is a compact, wireless-enabled power meter and IoT gateway. The device is installed in low-voltage electrical distribution panels and has three input channels for current transformer (CT) sensors and three inputs, allowing it to measure single-phrase or three-phrase power. The AmpoHub also has a built-in WiFi module and data logging capability and supports remote device management and troubleshooting through the AmpoCloud platform. With its small size, second-level data rate, and IEC 62053-21 Class 1 accuracy, AmpoHub is suitable for monitoring individual machines, or for metering use cases in residential, commercial, and industrial sites.

What can the AmpoHub monitor?

  • Air conditioner
  • Freezer
  • Cold room
  • Pump
  • Fan
  • Oven
  • Air compressor
  • Solar inverter
  • F&B cooler/heater
  • Wall outlet circuit (IT equipment)
  • Lighting circuit (Indoor, outdoor)

Use Case

  • Application-based uses in solar power monitoring and trip-detection.
  • Equipment-specific power monitoring for motors, lighting and airconditioning.
  • IoT-enable power monitoring in smart homes and industry 4.0 settings.


Dimensions (mm) 90 (H) x 36 (W) x 65 (D)
Weight (kg) 0.2kg [device] 0.54kg [box with device & standard CTs]
Tempurature (C) -20 to 40
Humidity rating 90% non-condensing
Power supply (V) 100-240 [line-neutral Hard limits: 85-265
Appropriate for three-phase
systems up to 440V (ie., 254V line)
Power supply (A) 0.15
Power supply (Hz) 50/60 Range: 45-65
Humidity rating <2W (at normal operating
Number of channels 3 current, 3 voltage
Power supply (A) 0.15
Parameters Mesured (Each channel) Current (A), Voltage (V)
Power (kW), Energy (kWh),
Power Factor (dimensionless),
Frequency (Hz) Support
Bi-directional energy reading
Humidity rating <2W (at normal operating
Reporting Rate Adjustable
Default Reporting Rate 0.2Hz (report every 5 sec
Measurement Type True RMS (8kHz sampling)
Measurement accuracy Active Power: Class 1
Reactive Power: Class 2

Schematic Diagram

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