AmpoMetter PMP96

A panel-mounted electricity meter for industrial power management applications

Product overview

The AmpoMeter PMP96 is a panel-mounted electricity meter for industrial power management applications. The device includes a digital display, four function keys, switch input and relay output for remote signal and remote control of circuit breakers, and an RS485 communication interface supporting MODBUS-RTU. The PMP96 provides full electrical parameter measurement using current transformer (CT) inputs and complies to IEC 62053-21 standards for Class 0.5 accuracy.

Key Features

+ Industrial-Grade
The AmpoMeter model PMP96 panel meter provides three-phase metering with a liquid-crystal display and MODBUS-RTU communication, suitable for industrial control systems, building management systems, and utility applications..

+ High Accuracy
PMP96 is certified for Class 0.5 accuracy under IEC 62053-21.

+ End-to-End System
The PMP96 works with AmpoCloud to provide energy use reporting, email and SMS alerts, data download, and API integration with 3 party software platforms and tools.


Faceplate Dimensions (mm)
Housing o,imensions (mm)
Cutout Dimensio1ns (mm)
90 (H) x 72 (W) x 65 (D)
86.5 (W) 86.5 (IH) x 77.8 (D)
88 (W) x 88 (H)
Working Temperature (C) -25 to 65
Relative Humidity :593c/o non-condensing
Connection Single-phase: 2-wire
Three-phase: 3-wire / 4-wire
lnput Voltage Single-phase: AC 1OOV, 400V
Three-phase: AC 100V, 400V, 660V
lnput Current SA
Frequency 4.5 to 65 Hz
Electrical Parameters Current Reactive Power
Voltage Apparent Power
Energy Power Factor
Real Power Frequency
Measurement Accuracy Active energy (positive and negative) [Class 0.5]
Reac·tive energy (positive and negative) [Class 1]"
Harmonics 2-31 voltage and current harmonic
Display Liquid-crystal display (LCD) with background light
Key Programming 4.keys to set parameters (Se·t, Left, Right, Enter)
Pulse Output Active pulse output
Communication RS-485 interface, MODBUS-RTU protocol
Compliance Marks CE
Standards IEC 62053-21

Schematic Diagram

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